Are you ready to learn how to use herbs & homeopathy?

even if you don't know a thing about herbal medicine

Buy 26 Herbal Remedies for Just $11

If you're a breastfeeding momma, who loves natural remedies; then this is for you! A new way to care for yourself with herbal and homeopathic remedies while nursing.

√ You spend hours scrolling Pinterest and social media looking for the right remedies that are safe during the nursing years.

√ You buy products, just to be upset that they don't work.

What if it was easier to find remedies?

Introducing: The 26 Herbal & Homeopathic Breastfeeding Remedies

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A natural mom like you needs a quick, efficient resource sheet to find a remedy fast - so you can reduce medications for years to come.

Imagine having an easy resource sheet to click on products, I know love and trust that are safe during the breastfeeding years. I've done all of the work!

What's included in this quick resource sheet?

The 5 herbal & homeopathic remedies to stop mastitis without antibiotics.

The 6 herbal remedies for a common cold when you have a sore throat, congestion & the ONE remedy for vomiting.

The 6 must-have herbal Remedies for the common cold; that won't decrease milk supply.

The ONE remedy- you have at home; to stop thrush immediately. and more!

Total value: $221

Today's cost: $11

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Who am I to teach you these remedies?

Hey, I'm Tara~

I help moms reduce medications postpartum and beyond. Not only am I certified herbalist with Dr. Aviva Romm; I'm raising twins. So we've had double symptoms for many years!

As a natural momma, I know you want what's best for your child. These are my tried and true herbal and homeopathic remedies to reduce the most common symptoms you'll experience during the breastfeeding years tha will last you a life time.

I hope you love these remedies.

xo, Tara

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