8 Common Postpartum Depression & Anxiety Mistakes

10-20% of moms experience postpartum depression lasting a few months and up to a year {or more} after birth ¹

And, up to 20% of women report feelings of anxiousness, sadness, depression, panic, frustration, and feeling hopeless.

What does this mean for you?

You need a postpartum plan.

In this post, I'll walk you through the five most common mistakes I see moms making when they have postpartum depression and anxiety.

Ready to get started? After reading this post, get started on your FREE Done For you Checklist.

Here are the 8 common mistakes we make

#1 Moms stop breastfeeding

  • Several studies have suggested that breastfeeding could help protect women against PPD ²

  • Yet, many women complain that their doctor has suggested they stop breastfeeding due to postpartum depression.

  • Breastfeeding could help reduce your postpartum depression. And although it's time-consuming and exhausting, breastfeeding may help you sleep better due to your hormones and ease of feeding in the middle of the night.

  • Worried about herbs and breastfeeding? Read this post:https://taragregorio.com/how-to-use-herbs-while-breastfeeding-without-fear-4-simple-steps/

#2 You don't address your nutrient gaps

There is an enormous amount of depletion after childbirth.  This, along with sleep deprivation can lead to insomnia, anxiety, and depression.   Watch this video, to learn my favorite supplements to take after each and every birth.https://taragregorio.com/11-postpartum-vitamin-supplements-every-new-mom-should-have/

#3 You take just one herb for insomnia

  • If you're struggling with insomnia, you need deep nourishment.  You'll want to stop drinking coffee and/or alcohol and address your nutrient gaps.

  • It may take time, but keep with it and soon you'll be able to fall asleep every time you're woken in the middle of the night.  Watch this video to learn my favorite remedies for insomnia.

Postpartum Insomnia

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#4 You don't take an adaptogen

  • What's an adaptogen? They help us "adapt" to stress.  And, if there was ever a stressful time, it's when you have children! Here is one adaptogen you can take while breastfeeding, there are others I'll be writing about real soon.

Ashwagandha While Breastfeeding

#5 You don't address your mindset

  • Becoming a mother is life-changing.  We crave our old selves.  Those who struggle, are experiencing a shamanic death.  The death of the old you, shedding into the new version of yourself.

  • By changing your thoughts, you can learn to fall in love with motherhood.

#6 You don't take enough nervines

Postpartum Anxiety

  • Nervines are a category of herbs that help soothe our anxiety. 

  • And, as I mentioned above anxiety & depression go hand-in-hand.

  • You want to soothe your anxiety and stress if you're struggling with postpartum anxiety and/or depression.  Watch this video to learn my favorite remedies.

#7 You only take medication

  • Anxiety medications can be so helpful when you're struggling with anxiety and depression and raising a family.  But, keep in mind you can also work on your nutrient gaps, insomnia, and anxiety WHILE taking medications.

  • It's not the end.  By making self-care a priority, your body can heal.  It's not selfish and anyone who tells you it is, is not worth your time.

#8 You don't see a therapist

  • This is the biggest mistake I made when I had postpartum depression.  I didn't want the therapist to judge me! But, after my husband passed away, I knew I needed therapy for the trauma, and wow did it change my life!

  • Watch this video to see how EMDR can help you through PPA & PPD.

I know this is a challenging time. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

What can you do today to change your health? Let me know in the comment area below. I’d love to help.

xo Tara


  • ¹ https://www.ppdil.org/symptoms-of-ppmds/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAkZKNBhDiARIsAPsk0Wi1MST1Z6A6Ex2WHZCOl-8Nf3M40Cu8mY4i64314qm40GKzdqEEmaEaAoUfEALw_wcB

  • ²https://www.seleni.org/advice-support/2018/3/13/breastfeeding-and-postpartum-depression


The Postpartum Diet: What To Eat To Reduce Anxiety And Depression


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