How To Use Homeopathy With Babies, Toddlers And Big Kids

Did you know, that the majority of parents are using homeopathic medicine incorrectly?

There are 8 simple steps to make it work for you.

If you've tried using those little sugar tablets with no results, keep reading.

But, first...

What is homeopathy and how does it work?

  • "Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on his doctrine of like cures like (similia similibus curentur), a claim that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people."

  • The remedies are so diluted that, based on chemistry, it is difficult to find any molecules of the original substance in the remedy YET, they are very mighty!

  • They are safe enough for children and the elderly, yet potent enough that you could create adverse effects if you do not know the principles.

Discover how to use homeopathic medicine with babies, toddlers & big kids.

How Homeopathic Medicine is Made?

  • Homeopathic medicine is made from minerals, plants, animals, poisons of animals, and bees and then diluted or successed {or shaken.}

  • The first stage in preparing a homeopathic remedy is to create a tincture or "mother tincture" by diluting the material in vegetable alcohol.

  • Then, the triturated mixture is repeatedly diluted and shaken or succussed for hours or days, depending on the potency or strength.

  • This process of diluting and succussing is called potentization. The potentized homeopathic medicine is then added to lactose tablets or pills.

How does homeopathy work?

  • One theory is that succession creates an electrochemical pattern that is stored in the dilutant and spreads like a liquid crystal through the body’s own water. 

  • A second thought is the dilution process triggers electromagnetic imprinting which directly affects the electromagnetic field of the body.

  • It seems all sort of "woo woo" until you see the results.

What dosing should you purchase?

  • Only purchase 6c or 30c when you’re new at using homeopathic medicine.

  • Ideally, you would need 1 dose, 1 time. But often, we purchase blends of homeopathic medicine and it doesn't "hit the spot" as it should

What is the Infinitesimal Dose?

  • The more a remedy is diluted and succussed (vigorously shaken), the stronger it becomes a cure. For example, 1M is stronger than 6c. 

  • Always begin with 6 or 30c, unless working with a professional homeopath. 

  • You can purchase homeopathic tablets as 6, 9, 12, 24, or 30 c or x.

  • >>>>I feel comfortable with purchasing 6c or 30c tablets for acute remedies.

Watch this FREE training to learn how to use homeopathic medicine correctly.

How to use homeopathy & Homeopathy examples

How do you take homeopathy?

  •  Tip a tablet into the lid of the bottle and tip it into your mouth without touching it.  

  • Nothing will happen if you touch it, but you MAY absorb some of the "medicine"

    • Or tip in on the palm of the person taking the remedy; try not to touch the remedy if you are giving it to someone.

    • For babies? Add it to their bottle or toddlers to their sippy cup.  Then wash the bottle or sippy cup with hot water.

  •  Never put back any tablets that have fallen out

    1. Try not to eat, drink, or brush your teeth for 10-20 minutes before or after taking a remedy

    2. You should feel a shift occur if it is negative in any way STOP and wait. 

    3. You may have an increase in symptoms and then it will resolve. If you are not seeing results don’t repeat. There should be a beginning, middle, and end to your symptoms.

Homeopathy medicine acts as a catalyst, the remedy stimulating the body’s own vital force to heal itself.

Homeopathy for babies & toddlers

  • For Babies; Crush the tablet between two spoons and tipped dry onto the tongue.

  • Or alternatively, dilute the small sugar pill in water and/or a bottle. {clean any item with hot water so the next person doesn’t get the remedy}

  • Dilute in water and use a syringe to insert into their mouth

    1. Dilute in milk, water, or juice in a sippy cup

    2. Place on a spoon to eat

    3. Toddlers can put in their mouth with a spoon

7 Things that Interfere with homeopathy

  • #1 Camphor (used as an ingredient in many cosmetics and salves, such as Tiger Balm, Blistex, Vick’s Vapor rub, Noxzema, Chapstick, Carmex, Sea Breeze, some shaving creams, liniments, and many other products which have a similar odor is a universal antidote and should be avoided.

  • #2 Electric Blankets.

  • #3 Certain Holistic therapies, such as acupuncture, craniosacral manipulation, polarity therapy, e.t.c. should not be used simultaneously with homeopathy.

  • #4 Strong odors in the mouth or the environment at the time of taking the remedy can inactivate the homeopathic medicine. That’s why we recommend taking the remedy at least 30 minutes before or 1 hour after eating, drinking (water is allowed), chewing gum, brushing your teeth, and smoking.

  • #5 Major dental work

  • #6 Excessive, and in some cases even moderate consumption of coffee and stimulants

  • #7 Street drugs, including marijuana

8 Tips to Make Homeopathic Medicine work for you

  1. Prescribe according to the urgency and unique symptoms

  2. Use one remedy at a time

  3. Avoid combined remedies

  4. Stop if you see an improvement

  5. Start again if the same symptom returns; repeat as needed

  6. If you have given 3-6 doses and have had no response, stop and reassess

  7. Change the remedy if the symptoms change and/or get worse

  8. Always seek professional help if your symptoms recur or do not improve

Use the Homeopathic Principles to guide you to ensure great results

  • Law Of Similar -

    • “Let like be cured with like”

    • Any substance that makes you ill can also cure you.

    • By symptoms, homeopathy means those changes that are felt by the patient or observer which may be associated with the disease.

  • The Single Remedy

    • Classical homeopathy gives one remedy at a time to gauge its effect more precisely than would be possible if two or more remedies were given together.

  • The Law of Cure

    • As someone becomes well, symptoms move from the innermost organs of the body to the outer organs

    • Cure moves from within to without

    • Cure takes place from above to below

  • Minimal Dose

    • Less is more, wait and see. 

    • How little can I use and still produce a result?

Homeopathic side effects

There are little to no side effects with homeopathy.  But, if you give too many doses, for too long.  You will "prove the remedy".  Which means, you will see some adverse effects.  Watch the free training to learn more.

A few questions I've been asked....

What is my favorite homeopathic kit?

  • I love the 50 remedy kit 30c

  • You want one with 6 or 30c dosing.

What are my favorite Homeopathic Books?

{click the links below to view them}


Homeopathic medicine works when you use it correctly.  The symptoms may get worse at first AND then they should resolve.  For example, your fever may spike--- and then it should drop. 

This would be a good thing. If the symptoms continue to get worse, stop the dosing. It takes time and patience to learn how to use homeopathy and when you do learn the remedies, they will last you a lifetime.

Warmly~ Tara


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