12 Postpartum Anxiety Symptoms & Treatment

It's frustrating when you experience heart palpitations - out of the blue.

You've never struggled with this before.

Picture this.

You finally stop breastfeeding, then you can't sleep, and then you struggle with fatigue, overthinking, and panic attacks.

This is postpartum anxiety.

I never knew this.

And, when you believe you're no longer postpartum... they just call it "anxiety". But, it comes from the nutrient gaps you experience during childbirth.

In this post, I"ll describe the symptoms of postpartum anxiety and how you can heal your body; even if you don't feel postpartum anymore.

Ask yourself, do you have any of these symptoms?

Signs of postpartum anxiety

  • insomnia - can't sleep

  • heart palpitations

  • dizziness, light head

  • stomach issues

  • tight chest

  • shortness of breath

  • headache

  • sweating

  • can't focus

  • crying spells

  • overthinking, circular thinking, or intrusive thoughts

  • exhaustion

So, what can you do about it?

First, why does postpartum anxiety happen? Here are 12 reasons..

  • insomnia

  • postpartum adrenal fatigue

  • depleted vitamins and minerals {B vitamins}

  • unresolved trauma; from birth or before and you've been triggered

  • unable to detoxify estrogen from your body

  • MTHFR gene

  • lack of help and/or support

  • your thyroid is off

  • your iron levels are low

  • you're unable to regulate your nervous system

  • you live in a house with mold or did at one time

Ready to use natural remedies to soothe your nervous system? Join your FREE masterclass.

How long does postpartum anxiety last?

It can last up to a year and then doctors tend to call it just "anxiety", but it could be coming from an estrogen dominance that began after birth.

Postpartum Anxiety Treatment

What can you do about it? I've found most of my clients have the MTHFR gene and are deficient in certain vitamins and nutrients. 

Along with being unable to regulate your nervous system, diet, and supplements can help. Here are the steps we go through in The Present Momma.

>>>I go over these steps in The Present Momma training.

Zoloft for postpartum anxiety

Considering Zoloft for your anxiety? Watch this video to see my alternatives to medications

Postpartum anxiety at night

It's common to get anxious at night because it's probably the first time you're quiet all day. So your thoughts flood to the front of your mind.  When you learn how to soothe your nervous system, you'll be able to sleep through the night again.

Postpartum health anxiety

This is just another way for your body to protect itself.  You worry about your health and your children's health, and then anxiety gets ramped up.  At the heart of it, you want to learn how to soothe your nervous system. Give yourself a chance to heal naturally


Postpartum anxiety can come up due to nutrient deficiencies, trauma, and being uncomfortable in your new role as a mom. Getting to the root cause of your heart palpitations is key. 

In The Present Momma, I describe 15 reasons we get heart palpitations after childbirth.  One of the most popular reasons is the MTHFR gene variants and the diet and supplements we choose to support our methylation.

Along with learning how to regulate your nervous system after a trauma, like childbirth.

xo Tara

P.S. Learn more about The Present Momma HERE.


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