Postpartum Rage: 5 Steps To Feel Calm Again

Are you feeling angry after childbirth?

It's more common than you think. 

There are so many stressors on your body, your relationships, and your mind it's hard to find yourself again!

In this post, we'll discuss why postpartum rage happens and what you can do about it.

Your rage may be connected to your menstrual cycle and the inability of your liver to process your hormones.

So what do you do about it?

What is Postpartum Rage?

Your postpartum rage may be a piece of something called PMDD.

What is Premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD?

PMDD is really bad PMS. If your rage and anger begins a week before your period; you may have PMDD.

Step #1: Begin tracking your symptoms over the month. 

If you have four of these symptoms plus, the following you may have PMDD.

  1. depression/dipped moods

  2. anxiety, feeling on edge

  3. sad, tearful

  4. marked anger

Plus, these symptoms.

  • lack of energy

  • change in appetite

  • insomnia

  • out of control

  • pain in body

  • disinterest in activity

You’ll want to address your liver health to support estrogen clearance - which in turn will reduce your anger.
— Tara Gregorio

There’s two theories about anger….

  • #1 In Chinese medicine, your liver is the seat of anger. By addressing your liver health - you can reduce these symptoms.

  • #2 Parasites! If you have parasites, they in turn affect your liver health and create so much anger. I know it seems impossible.

Parasites & Anger

How long does postpartum depression rage last?

It can last a long time. It turns into a really bad PMS called PMDD.

Postpartum Rage Treatment

#1 Start tracking your cycle

  • Day 1 is the day 1 of your bleed

  • Notice if you get angry around Day 15 or so; after you ovulate

  • If this rings true - each month going forward you’ll want to take botanicals for your liver health on Day 14-28.

    Additionally, you may want to pay for a DUTCH hormone test to see if your progesterone is low.

  • If so, you’ll want to add bio-identical progesterone on Days 14-28.

Step #2: Address your liver health

Even if all your numbers are fine with your doctor, you may want to consider supporting your liver each month.

  • Reduce or eliminate all alcohol - as this can be taxing for your liver

  • Reduce or eliminate all coffee - or just one cup before 12 pm

  • Use a castor oil pack nightly - I love Queen of Thrones! Apply this to the area under your right rib.

  • Add a heating pack for a soothing effect!

  • Consider adding Milk Thistle tinctures to your diet to support your liver.

Step #3 Supplements

  • Consider adding in Bupleurum Liver health by Planetary Herbals.

  • Please note: This is not safe if you’re breastfeeding. The combination is helpful in supporting your liver health.

  • Additionally, ask your natural doctor about adding in bio-identical progesterone.

Step #4 Self-Care

  • As a menstruating person, you’re on a 28-day cycle. That means, the week before your period everything should shift. You want to slow down, incorporate more liver support, and schedule rest.

  • You may be laughing out loud, but it will help you immensely to “allow” your body to rest each month. Then after your period, you can push full-throttle!

Step #5 Incorporate Herbs

Postpartum rage remedies

Add in botanicals to soothe your nervous system and encourage estrogen elimination.

  1. St. John’s Wort to reduce depression and eliminate excessive estrogens.

  2. Passionflower for circular thinking.

  3. Milk thistle to support your liver.

  4. Ashwagandha to enhance sleep and reduce tension.

  5. Lemon Balm for happiness

  6. Valerian to support sleep.

  7. Blue Vervain to reduce tension.

  8. Lavender to enhance sleep.

  9. Vitex Chaste Berry to balance your cycle and encourage regularity.

  10. Beupleuram for liver support.

Postpartum Depression Rage

It takes a combination of diet, supplements, and herbal remedies to heal depression, insomnia, anxiety, and rage.

Check out The Present Momma online course to learn more.


By addressing your liver health and supporting your detoxification pathways you can heal your postpartum rage naturally.

Additionally, consider getting tested for the MTHFR gene to see if you need a methylated B vitamin to support detoxification, depression, anxiety, and rage.

xo Tara

P.S. Have questions? Let me know in the comment area below.


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