Why Natural Remedies Are Perfect For Kids

Herbs for Kids

Did you know by the age of 19, your child may have had between 10-20 rounds of antibiotics? {source Dr. Aviva Romm}

Isn’t that crazy?

These medications are affecting our children’s gut health and overall resilience.

How do I know?

My family has experienced this.

  • When I was a young adult, I would take rounds and rounds of antibiotics for recurring urinary tract infections.d

  • My son? At age 5, he experienced Clostridium difficile with just two rounds of antibiotics.

It’s important to use medications only when we need them.

In this post, we’ll discuss the five reasons we have to start integrating herbal and homeopathic medicine into our children’s diets so they can thrive with health.

The truth?

If we don't learn how to use them now, I'll children's health will suffer for years to come.  We are already seeing it happen.

Ready to start learning today? Join this FREE email challenge to boost your toddlers’ immunity.

Why use herbs with kids?

1. Antibiotic Resistance

  • “One of the biggest threats to our global health today is antibiotic resistance” - the World Health Organization suggests. “Bacteria, not humans or animals, become antibiotic-resistant.

  • These bacteria may infect humans and animals, and the infections they cause are harder to treat than those caused by non-resistant bacteria.” ¹

    • I experienced this with long-term Lyme. The antibiotics didn’t even touch my symptoms.

  • We want to save antibiotics for when we really need them.

    • According to the CDC, “Each year in the U.S., at least 2 million people get an antibiotic-resistant infection, and at least 23,000 people die.” Source

  • When do we really need antibiotics?

    • Only use antibiotics for bacterial infections such as:

      1. Strep throat

      2. Whooping cough

      3. Some Urinary tract infections (UTI)

The goal? Use antibiotics only for bacterial infections and learn how to use diet and supplements to reduce common childhood illnesses like ear infections.

2. Food Intolerances (gluten/dairy)

  • Microbiomes are communities of gut flora that run from our mouth to our anus and affect our weight, mood, mental health, and even our immunity.

    • One of the ways we damage this flora is through yup, you guessed it, antibiotics.

    • Other ways include stress, diet, medications, and poor digestion.

  • Children born via c-section are already compromised due to the one dose of antibiotics mom gets before surgery.

    • Pro tip: If you’re planning a C-section, consider Vaginal seeding to protect your child’s gut flora and take a probiotic in your third trimester.

    • When your child’s microbiome is affected, they may have something called “Leaky Gut Syndrome” and will have difficulty digesting gluten and dairy – some of the top foods they love!

the goal? is to heal our children’s gut after every round of medications and/or antibiotics.

3. Leaky Gut Syndrome In Children

Cause of Leaky Gut Syndrome

  • Leaky gut, also known as increased intestinal permeability, is a digestive condition in which bacteria and toxins are able to “leak” through the intestinal wall causing headaches, food intolerances, allergies, and joint pain in our child’s health.

  • You may notice some of these symptoms in yourself.

  • 4 Medications that lead to Leaky Gut Syndrome In Kids:

  • Antibiotics

  • Steroids

  • NSAIDs

  • Acid reducing medication

If your child is taking these medications regularly, you may want to consider the 4R approach to “heal their gut” or yours! 

===Read more about Leaky Gut Syndrom in Kids Here.

4. Clostridium Difficile In Children - C. diff

  • The leading cause of death in the hospital is Clostridium difficile or C. diff. This is a bacterium that is normally present in the body in small numbers.

  • When they are out of balance with the rest of your gut bacteria – due to antibiotic use or a compromised immune system, they may cause an infection and result in diarrhea.

  • This bacteria produces a toxin that causes inflammation of the colon and results in varying degrees of diarrhea, sometimes a bloody stool, and could potentially lead to death.

  • Often, children with a compromised immune system have the greatest risk of getting C. Diff. If your child has a bloody stool, please have it checked immediately for C. Diff.C. diff can go hand in hand with Celiac disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease; please have your child checked if you suspect they have C. Diff.

  • Depending on the severity of your symptoms, your doctor may suggest an antibiotic or take the probiotic Saccharomyces Boulardi daily to replenish your gut flora. Read more here.

>>The goal? Always take a probiotic for 3 months after every round of antibiotics. <<<


5. Eczema

  • An inflammatory skin condition, Eczema, affects 1 in 5 children and is increasing each year. 

  • Known as ‘the itch that rashes’ typically begins with the itch and ends with red, scaly skin. 

    • You may also notice they have rough bumps, thick patches, or bumps that leak fluid and crust over.

  • Those with Eczema typically have a food allergy to wheat, dairy, peanuts, or nuts AND have an imbalance of gut flora; possibly due to mom having a round of antibiotics DURING birth.

The goal? Eczema is not to be covered up. Any skin condition is due to your child’s gut health!


Why should our children use natural remedies?

  1. They are generally safe and easy to use

  2. We are teaching our children how to take care of themselves

  3. Botanicals aid with digestion

  4. They soothe the nervous system

  5. They reduce antibiotic use

  6. They fill nutrient gaps our children often have due to a poor diet of bread and cheese!

Can kids drink herbal tea?


Integrating botanicals and homeopathy into your child's diet can reduce the number of medications they need for years to come. Saving you time in the doctor's office and money on medications and ER visits.

If you’re ready to learn more, join your FREE 5-day email challenge to boost your child’s immunity naturally. Join HERE

Warmly~ Tara


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