Why You Should Hire A Herbalist For Women's Health

Are you wondering what an herbalist really does?

And, can they really help you?

In this post, I'll share how I learned herbal medicine, who I studied with, and what I specialize in so you can decide where to go when you're seeking an alternative treatment.

Let's get started.

So, how do you find an herbalist?

Herbalist near me

  • Google would be the first place to search. However, many herbalists take sessions virtually or even offer online education.

  • I would write down your symptoms, and what type of teacher you're seeking and ask for a referral from friends.

  • If you meet with an acupuncturist, they may also be able to guide you toward herbal remedies.

Herbalist certification

How to become a herbalist

What is a women's herbal educator?

  • It's a certification through Dr. Aviva Romm covering all herbal remedies from menarche to menopause.

  • I've completed this certification and offer online education and virtual sessions.

Tara, "What do you specialize in"?

  • I love getting to the root cause of your symptoms.  Here are some of my specialties.

Natural remedies for anxiety

  • We dive into your gut health, daily diet, and herbs to support heart palpitations and sleep.  I also incorporate breathing and meditative exercises from my eighteen years of teaching Pilates, yoga, and movement.

New treatment for fibroids without surgery

  • From personal experience, I've learned how to stop the flooding that comes with fibroids and reduce the pain naturally with herbal medicine.  My private health consultations would be great for you if you're struggling with pain from fibroids.

Your body has a great capacity to heal

Natural remedies for PMS mood swings

  • PMS and PMDD stem from poor liver health.  In my private health consultations, we'll discuss how to support your liver with diet, supplements, and herbs to reduce your monthly symptoms.

Natural remedies for perimenopause

  • Hot flashes, insomnia, short or long cycles.  This season of change can be very challenging, but herbs can support you immensely. In a health consultation, we can focus on your current symptoms and the EXACT herbs to help you transition into menopause with grace.

Herbs for bladder irritation and UTIs

  • UTIs or urinary tract infections can be very painful.  And they all stem from your gut health.  By "healing your gut", improving your digestion and elimination you can reduce and stop UTIs for years to come.

Herbal remedies for a yeast infection

Why do you use herbal medicine?

Your medications are affecting your gut health.  When your gut health is affected, your whole immune system can change. 

Even though this post is for children's health, it explains why I love herbal and homeopathic medicine.https://taragregorio.com/why-natural-remedies-are-perfect-for-kids/

What happens in a health consultation with Tara?

  • We discuss your sleep, any changes in your cycle, your diet, supplements, and any new stressors at home.

  • I inquire about your #1 symptoms and each week we look at different suggestions to get to the root cause of this.

  • I ask you to write down a 3-day diet.  And, send me pictures of the supplements you are currently taking.

  • You may also want to have blood work done and get tested for the MTHFR gene.  Many of my clients have one or two of the SNPs affecting their ability to detoxify.

  • I offer a 30-day transformational package.  This includes 3 private, virtual sessions and 30 days of unlimited support.

    • After each session, you'll receive a detailed email with my suggestions.

    • You can choose what herbs to purchase based on my suggestions.

Natural remedies for a cold

  • If you hate using conventional medication and need more support when you're sick; book a 30-minute call with Tara to get the EXACT remedies you need to help you feel better faster.

  • Book a 30-minute quick session here: https://taragregorio.com/workwithtara/


Herbalists take a "full picture" approach with their sessions. 

The body always works together.  From a women's health perspective, I inquire about your diet, supplements, sleep, cycle of your period, and any additional stressors you are having at home.

From my 18+ years in fitness, I always make suggestions for breathing exercises inquire about your pelvic floor health, and offer tips to help soothe your nervous system. 

This is usually the crux of all illnesses. If you're curious about my sessions, book a complimentary 15-minute session here: https://taragregorio.com/workwithtara/

xo Tara

P.S.  Are you ready to get started? Book a session here:  https://taragregorio.com/workwithtara/


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