8 Ways to Use Ayurveda For a Winter Reset

Ayurveda Benefits

Be honest.. you wish you could feel more rested and less agitated each day!

What if you could feel calm and carefree; even when the house is a mess? and the dishes are overflowing!

Think about this for a moment, if you had a soothing daily routine to follow - would your body feel better?

  • Our body craves routine and it craves to be oiled! Yes, oiled.

  • And.. women who have anxiety tend to be more of the Vata dosha body type in Ayurvedic medicine.

  • This body type tends to be drier, more anxious, and more constipation.

Does that sound like you?

Think of this routine, like a warm bubbly bath to soothe your body tension.  Choose 1 or all 8 steps to bring greater comfort to your body.

What is Dinacharya?

It's the Ayurvedic daily routine, or Dinacharya, that soothes and nourishes your body.

It should take just about 10-20 minutes every morning (not including the exercise portion) to master. And... you can always choose one or all nine steps when you begin to have more time.

What's an ideal Ayurvedic morning routine to stop anxiety and the winter blues?

Try these 9 simple steps to soothe your nervous system and nourish your body during the winter.

Step #1 - Take a bath!

  • Add 2 cups of Epsom salts to your tub, plus essential oils of rose or lavender.

  • Play some Binaural beats from YouTube and light a candle.

  • The Epsom salts contain Magnesium to help calm your body.

  • Add a splash of sesame or coconut oil if you’re feeling dry.

Step #2 - Scrape your tongue

  • Scrape your tongue 10-12x to remove bacteria from overnight.

  • You can buy a fancy tongue scraper or use the back of a spoon.

  • Pro tip: I often glance at my tongue to determine my health - your tongue is a reflection of your digestion.  If it has a thick coating, it may be time to address your gut health!

Step #3 - Warm liquids

  • When you wake up, drink warm water with lemon to support your liver.

  • Squeeze half a fresh lemon into the water; you can add 1 tsp. of fresh ground, ginger to aid digestion. I LOVE, LOVE ginger people!

  •   Warm water cleanses and awakens the digestive tract, encouraging a healthy bowel movement daily.

Step #4- Diet

  • Consider eating warm, cooked foods during the day to improve digestive fire.  Eat your most substantial meal at lunch, and try to eat without distractions. 😜

  • Nature calls...going to the bathroom upon waking will help clear your digestive system. A healthy “motion” will have a soft brown log quality, little odor, and will be well-formed (like a banana).

  • Kitcheri is a great meal to cleanse your body from the holidays and feel comforted and grounded. See a recipe for your dosha type here: https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/info/ayurvedic-living/living-ayurveda/diet/how-to-make-kitchari/

Step #5- Rose Water

  • Wash your eyes with rose water each morning.

  • Rosewater helps soothe and hydrate your eyes from too much computer work or just two hours of sleep!

Step #6 - Self-Massage

  • Self-Massage (or Abhyanga) is one of our best practices for soothing your nerves and making you feel ageless.

  • To practice, massage your skin daily using a high-quality organic oil such as sesame, sunflower, or coconut oil.

  • Warm the oil in your hands, then rub down, making sure not to skip any parts. Let the oil soak in for at least 20 minutes and then shower or leave it on overnight!

  • My favorite Vata oil is here.

Step #7- Nasal Rinse

  • Nasya, or nasal lubrication, can help soothe the nasal passages, particularly in dry months.

  • Take 1 tsp. of nasal oil on your ring finger, insert it into your nostril, and massage.

  • I like this Nasya oil.

Step #8- Breathwork

  • Self-practice of meditation or yoga.

  • Begin your day with something you love! Choose an exercise routine you enjoy and stick with it daily.

What is the What is the best evening routine for moms??

  • Try to go to bed at the same time every night.

  • Ask your partner to take the kids or put a movie in to take a warm bath - adding oil to the tub! {watch out it gets slippery)

  • Enjoy a warm cup of milk with nutmeg,  cardamom, and a little honey.

  • Take Triphala with warm water, 1 hour before sleep. Triphala, an Ayurvedic herb can help reduce constipation and enhance your sleep.

  • Get to bed before 10:00 pm, as your body, renews itself between 10-2:00 am.

  • Jump in the Higherdose sweat mat!! My favorite way to calm my nervous system.


When you discover your dosha from Ayurvedic medicine, you’ll understand why you struggle with dryness, constipation, and even insomnia and anxiety. This daily routine can be practiced when you’re feeling like you need a reset.

Do you think you can try this? Let me know in the comments below!

xo, Tara


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