Intrusive Thoughts? 13 Writing Prompts For Postpartum Depression

Self Help Journal Prompts

What if you could break through your intrusive thoughts with writing?

When we write down our thoughts... we release our greatest hopes and dreams to the universe.

Think about this for a moment...

  • Are you wanting to say or do something that you are not currently doing?

  • Are you craving more support, more time, and more nourishment?

  • Do you feel like you're being held back from your dreams?

The transition into motherhood is not easy.  This is just one step that can help you move into motherhood with grace. I know it will take more than writing to overcome postpartum depression and intrusive thoughts, but when I couldn't afford a therapist and was afraid of what they would say. 

I wrote. And wrote until I found the answers I was seeking.

So I hope these questions reveal something new to you.

Light a candle, grab a cup of tea, take out a notebook, and write down the answers to these questions.

How to Overcome Depression and Anxiety

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Here are 13 writing prompts I've used over the years to overcome depression and anxiety.

#1  Write your birth story

  • Write it in complete detail.  All that you loved, all that you hated, and all that you are thankful for.

  • 👉Action step: Share your story online. Other mommas need to hear what you've been through.

#2 Start with the end in mind

  • What is it that you want to do with this one and only life you have?

  • Are you doing it? What is holding you back?

  • Take a blank sheet of paper and draw a circle.  Write where you want to be when you are 80 years old.  Then write down the steps to get there.

  • 👉Action step: Take one step today to fulfill your life dream. Even if it's small.  Begin today.

#3 What's important to you?

  • Take a blank sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.

  • List 10 things that make you happy on the left side of the paper.  Then list 10 things you'll say a "no thank you" to on the right side of the paper.

#4 How can you fill your cup up?

You cannot take care of everyone else if you are depleted.  How can you fill your cup up today? It doesn't have to cost money or take a lot of time.  Here are some things I do.

  • 10-minute YouTube meditations

  • Baths with magnesium salt and essential oils

  • Write a gratitude list - who are you thankful for?

  • Get my nails done

  • Go for a hike

  • Exercise

  • Make a cup of stinging nettle tea 🍵

Fear is love waiting to exhale...

#5 What are you afraid of doing?

  • One of my biggest fears was closing my Pilates studio.  What would people think? Where would they go? I was more worried about my clients than I was about my own mental health.

  • A book that helped me the most was called "Necessary Endings."

  • "Where do you want to be a year from now? Will an ending be necessary to bring that about?"

  • If what you're doing has no hope of getting you what you want, why are doing it?

  • 👉Action step: So, I ask you.. what are you afraid of doing? Write it down.

How to stop intrusive thoughts

#6 Complete these sentences...

  • My favorite place to sit as a child...

  • If I wasn't this old I would...

  • If I had more time I would...

  • If I wasn't afraid I would..

  • My favorite childhood game was...

  • If I didn't sound crazy, I would..

#7 When were you happy?

  • Write about a time when you were very happy.  Where were you? Who were you with? What were you doing?

#8 What was the most traumatic event in your life?

  • Write about any trauma in your life.

  • Then.. write it again as though it was a good thing.  As though, you learned something from it or it made you the person you are today.

When you laugh, the world laughs with you, but when you cry, you cry alone.  - A happy pocketful of money

Decide right now to face everything anew.  Your thoughts, become your words and they become your actions. 

#9 Your thoughts

  • Decide right now to face everything anew.  Your thoughts, become your words and they become your actions.

  • What negative thoughts are you saying to yourself?

  • Write them down.  Gently, gradually release them.

  • 👉 Action step: Turn those thoughts into a positive word.

What comes out of your mouth, comes into your life. - You are a badass at making money.

#10 What do you really want?

If money wasn't an issue.  If your life was different.  What would you really want? What are you craving? Write these down...

  • The perfect partner

  • The perfect health

  • Your goals in life

  • Your education

  • How much money do you want to make

  • What kind of relationships do you want

#11 What are you grateful for?

  • Have you ever noticed how much love you have around you? How blessed you are?

  • 👉Action step: Write down 5 things you are grateful for today.

#12 How do you play?

  • Have you noticed as we get older, we stop playing? We start "adulting"? What can you do today to be more playful? To have more fun?

#13 Fall in love with yourself...

  • What are you holding against yourself? What do you say about your body every day?

  • 👉Action step: Write down 20 things you love about yourself.  Don't hold back.  List them.  Love them.  Repeat them often. 💕

I'd love to know what you uncovered. Leave a note below and share it with us.


Intrusive thoughts are the first symptom of postpartum depression. By changing your thoughts, you change the way you view your life. But, there are also root causes as to why you’re feeling this way. Join your FREE masterclass to learn how to heal postpartum anxiety, insomnia and depression.

xo Tara


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